Thursday, November 22, 2007

The idea of Europe

«Europe is made up of coffee houses, or cafés. These extend from Pessoa's favourite coffee house in Lisbon to the Odessa cafés haunted by Isaac Babel's gangsters. They stretch from the Copenhagen cafés which Kierkegaard passed on his concentrated walks to the counters of Palermo. No early or defining cafés in Moscow which is already a suburb of Asia. Very few in England after a brief fashion in the eighteenth century. None in North America outside the gallican outpost of New Orleans. Draw the coffee-house map and you have one of the essential markers of the 'idea of Europe'
George Steiner

Pois... eu já calculava!...
little tiny winy problem...
eu não gosto de caféeeeeee!!!!!...


Lu said...

Como é possível??? Aos 26 anos ainda não gostar de café??? Como? Não és portuguesa. Não és europeia. Uma vergonha...Eheheheheeh!

Lu (addicted)

Alexandra Campos said...

Mas aposto q gostas de chocolate de café?! Sua guloooosa!!