Friday, October 26, 2007

Quero os meus dancing shoes!!!!

Afinal existe salsa na Polónia!!
As aulas começam hoje. O Michal conseguiu juntar umas 20 pessoas e arranjou uma prof que vem cá uma vez por semana. Claro que (só um pequeno pormenor!) é para iniciados. Bolas!!! Vou ter de começar tudo outra vez!!!
De qualquer forma, vai ser bom ouvir a música, sentir o ritmo e dançaaaaaaaaaar!!!
Anda tudo bastante entusiasmado e a troca de mails sobre o assunto vai ao ponto de suscitar reflexões socio-psicológicas sobre o tema da dança em geral, como esta que aqui deixo, enviada pelo Mircea:

"Regarding insights into the ways people in different cultures learn, there are interesting things, I find, in some of the studies of primitive tribes. For instance, there are tribes in Africa who, as part of their tribal decision-making process dance around the problem. They may sit down to talk about it a little, and they'll get up, and there'll be some music or drumming, and they'll dance for a while. Nobody questions why they do this: it's part of their cultural routine. Then they'll sit down again - and solve the problem. They trust and believe that the dance is an essential ingredient of the problem-solving process.
This is a very kinesthetic approach to communications and problem-solving! ..I believe that it involves fairly intricate psychological and physical sensibility. I suggest you try this with your Boards or your project-teams: you state what the problem is, and then you get up and dance. See what happens!"
From a speech by Peter Scholtes on Learning and Leadership.

1 comment:

Alexandra Campos said...

É o que eu tenciono fazer na minha defesa de tese... se a coisa correr mal, levanto-me, pratico o tema do meu estudo ao dançar e atiro um pouquinho de poeira para os olhos do júri! A ver o que acontece!! Bjs